Autoimmune Body Support Kit

$919.80 $1,022.00

Doc of Detox Autoimmune Body Support Kit includes our essential products to help support the body's organs and natural immunity: 

Infinite Iodine 4oz

MCT C60 4oz

Black Diamond 2oz

Curcumin Cayenne 5000 - 120 Capsule 


IGF-1 - 300,000NG 

Vitamin D3-5

Vitamin K2

(Click the product listed to view product information) 

*Other associated recommendations for optimizing your body's natural immunity or for more critical autoimmune concerns include:

Ultimate Coffee Enema Kit 

Gut Health Starter Pack 

Vaginal Infusion Kit 

Senonian Minerals 

Portable Structured Water Unit 

SolRx Vitamin D light 

Perfect Day Guide 

CellSonic Treatments 

 *For proper dosages and step by step strategies to maximize your benefits from our products, we recommend booking a Perfect Day Consultation with one of our master consultants and receive unlimited 6-week support from our Doc of Detox Team.