Tummy Love


A regenerating and rejuvenating elixir, Tummy Love contains all of the lighter fractions of Humic Acids along with small amounts of Fulvic Acids, Tummy Love largely remains in the GI tract thus settling the stomach where it may help stimulate beneficial gut microbes. Tummy-Love may also help the GI tract resist infection by pathogens.

All probiotics are foreign to our gut flora and only remain a short time unless replaced by taking more probiotics.  Providing the correct nutrients to the gut will stimulate the production of our body’s own microbes and eliminating the need for foreign probiotics.

Fulvic acid will carry up to 60 minerals and elements directly into the cell, the added combination of humic acid provides the necessary elements in a bioavailable form so the cell can function at its optimum potential.

As both fulvic and humic acid put a prophylactic coating on viruses receptor sites which stops viruses and bacteria from re-attaching to the host cell, thereby stopping all viruses and bacteria.


Tummy Love contains all of the lighter fractions of Humic Acids along with nano Fulvic Acids is one of the quickest ways to a healthy and disease free gut.

  • Remains in the GI tract to settle the stomach
  • Stimulates beneficial gut microbes
  • Enhances immunity
  • Relieves constipation
  • Resists infection by pathogens

Lighter fractions of Humic Acids along with small amounts of Fulvic Acids.


60ml: Add 1 to 7 droppers full to 16 oz of structured water before meals, 3x a day.
100ml: Add 1 to 5 droppers full to 16 oz of structured water before meals, 3x a day.
500ml: Add 1 to 2 teaspoons to 16 oz of structured water before meals, 3x a day.

Go to: bhnlibrary.com and go to the Humic/Fulvic guide to find more information.

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